
What is storytelling?

If you are not a writer or screenwriter, then writing a beautiful story about yourself or a company will not work. Does this sound familiar? Contrary to popular belief, almost anyone can create a story. A little fantasy, some facts, a pinch of humor are enough – and you’re done. But be that as it may, writing an exciting, interesting story is akin to art. Storytelling is great engaging content that is successfully used not only by bloggers on their social media pages, but also by companies.

Reading time: 6 min.
How to write news. Tips for copywriters

News on the websites of companies is not the last. They can generate the interest of a potential client just like blog articles. And in order to interest the reader, the news should not only be interesting: it should be informative and be useful for the reader. But before we tell you how to write interesting and useful news, let’ take a look at what it is.

Reading time: 5 min.
Stop words in copywriting

Stop words in copywriting can be compared to a red traffic light sign. What is a stop word? These are phrases, words, word forms that do not carry any semantic load. They can be easily replaced or dropped from the article. Stop words in copywriting make the text uninformative and insipid. Search engines ignore such material, as a result – the result of being in the top results is small. The picture looks no less sad when customers are asked to write an SEO text, and even using a large number of «keys» for a couple of thousand characters.

Reading time: 5 min.
What should a copywriter be able to do?

Business promotion is impossible without internet marketing. Today, advertising is done by high-quality websites, beautifully and well-designed pages on social networks. This is impossible without one of the key elements - copywriting. Therefore, when choosing a performer for writing texts, copywriting skills are highly valued.

Reading time: 6 min.
We remove «water» from the text. Tips for copywriters

Any service for analyzing SEO indicators has such a parameter as “text water content”. Let's see what "water" is in the text. These are words and phrases, speech turns that do not carry any meaning. That is, if the author deletes them, the article will not lose the original idea. But you shouldn't completely remove introductory words or phrases either, otherwise the text will become dry, lifeless and uninteresting.

Reading time: 5 min.
Naming copywriting: what is it and how much can you earn from it?

На рынке PR-услуг одним из самых популярных направлений считается нейминг. Он используется для продвижения и повышения узнаваемости компании, бренда. В то же время это комплексная работа, которую выполняет не один человек. Как правило, над этим трудится целая команда, в том числе и копирайтер. От него как раз таки и ждут креативных предложений. О том, что такое нейминг и сколько он стоит, мы и рассмотрим в этой статье.

Reading time: 5 min.
How much does a quality rewriting of text cost?

To fill the site with content, many business owners resort to such a popular service as rewriting – rewriting already finished material in their own words, but keeping the meaning. Rewriting differs from copywriting in that the performer does not need to study a lot of information in order to write quality text. And the rates for rewriting are much lower than copywriting. However, both methods of obtaining content for a web resource or page on a social network are in great demand.

Reading time: 6 min.
Where to get content to fill the site

Websites are not created for the sake of promoting on the Internet. First of all, companies develop their web resource in order to be able to attract as many potential customers as possible. But creating and launching a website is not enough: you need high-quality content that will attract the target audience. Therefore, business owners have a very reasonable question: where to get articles for the site?

Reading time: 6 min.
Why is unique content important to a website?

Website promotion in the search engine and business success more than 80% depend on the text content of the web resource. Those. from content, including visuals. It can be easily explained: good content of a web resource attracts not only visitors, but also search robots. Based on this, it follows that, regardless of the business niche, unique content is required for sites.

Reading time: 5 min.