
Text structure: features of an inverted pyramid

Writing texts for business promotion follows a given structure. The author’s decision determines the reader’s level of involvement, the length of his stay on the site, and how many materials he reads. Needless to say, sticking to a plan makes it much easier to highlight the most important things, convey the idea to the audience, and talk about additional benefits?

Reading time: 7 min.
Essential Elements of a Great Interview

A conversation with a famous person or an expert in the field is intriguing and exciting, so readers take the time to read relevant interviews. This is a trend in journalism, and it is difficult for an inexperienced copywriter to “find the words” and format the text so that it attracts the attention of the audience.

Reading time: 6 min.
USP: what is it and how to create it

Competitive advantages can be described in the text, or use a simpler method. It consists of preparing a sales proposal that contains both a description of the attractive aspects and differences from competitors. Despite the simplicity of the task, many companies have to spend time on compilation.

Reading time: 6 min.
Advertising texts: what they are, types and features

Advertising is the engine of trade, so it is not surprising that advertising selling texts appear. The first thing that catches the eye is the description of the product/product, after reading which the reader is convinced of the need to purchase. In order for the advertising text to catch the eye, it is worth paying more attention to existing types and their features.

Reading time: 5 min.
Blog Topics: 5 Useful Tips

Interesting articles on the website and blog are the engine of modern business. Thanks to texts, you can share the latest news, while increasing your level of expertise. Gaining credibility with clients is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Create a content plan and regularly publish interesting collections or interviews.

Reading time: 6 min.
How to rewrite text using ChatGPT: usage tips

Today, more and more companies are trying to improve the quality of their content in order to attract more customers and retain them. Sometimes there is a need to rewrite existing articles or posts to make them attractive. In such cases, special tools will be useful that will help you automatically rewrite the article.

Reading time: 5 min.