
Editorial policy: what is it and what is it for?

The rules and principles that content makers and editors adhere to are the foundation of any blog, media outlet, and other media. Requirements for materials help to clearly formulate the main idea, emphasize ideas, and adhere to a specific point of view. All this is the editorial policy of a publication, agency, or other organization.

Reading time: 6 min.
Advertising campaign and business: goals, tools and features

Now, when the market is saturated with various offers, the role of advertising campaigns has increased. To get a stable profit, you need to create a reputation, attract attention to new products and increase recognition. Finding a solution for all the tasks is not easy. An advertising campaign is created taking into account the expectations of the audience and reveals the best sides of the brand. But how to implement the idea? The tools and goals are different, so let's consider them in detail.

Reading time: 5 min.
Where and how to buy reviews and is it worth doing: working with reviews correctly

When it comes to choosing a service, product, model, many Internet users start their search not from the website where they can order the product, but from reviews. The opinion of those who have already bought and tried it often becomes the second most important factor in making a final decision. Digital marketing is gaining momentum, each company praises its own offer, so it becomes difficult for ordinary buyers to decide on the best option.

Reading time: 5 min.
TIRS Theory: A Creative Look at Problems

Originality has always been valued, and what is happening now is the best confirmation of this. People try to create new solutions to common problems, be it cooking or cleaning the house. The value of an original approach is that life hacks require a minimum of time and effort to use, which is what makes them attractive. TRIZ is rightfully considered the predecessor of modern solutions. It is based on the desire to save resources and the manifestation of creativity. To learn how to use this “secret method”, be a little patient and read the article.

Reading time: 6 min.
Content Distribution, or How to Make Text Popular

You can write a good and useful text, but what to do next? Of course, you can choose a new topic and continue working, but that's not the point now. Content distribution will help make your article popular and create your own brand. Fortunately, today there are no problems with creating your own strategy and telling all interested readers about your achievement.

Reading time: 5 min.
Text formatting in messengers: secret commands

We have already become accustomed to absorbing information from various messengers, and the text of news has turned into a canvas. By adding emoji to their publications, the author tries to “breathe a little life” into the new creation. However, this style is not suitable for serious blogs and news channels. Not all events can be described with emoticons and convey the desired atmosphere.

Reading time: 6 min.
Handling Objections: The Art of Convincing

The concept of a sales funnel clearly shows that not all buyers who know about your offer will agree to buy. At each stage, you need to find a way to convince the client that the deal is necessary. Given that communication with him is limited to certain boundaries, finding compelling reasons is complicated. Skillful handling of objections will help increase profitability. To answer troubling questions, you need to learn a little more about buyer incentives and reasons for refusals.

Reading time: 5 min.