
How to write an apology letter?

Asking for forgiveness for your mistakes during work is not only not ashamed, but also correct. Providing low-quality goods or failing to meet deadlines are common mistakes that should not be overlooked. To understand how to properly apologize in a letter, it is not enough to go over the ready-made templates.

Reading time: 6 min.
What is a copywriting sales funnel

Communication with the client is the starting point for performing certain actions. You won't be able to achieve the desired result if you don't use the popular copywriting sales funnel principle. Despite the fact that the term is far from new, everyone can have problems with understanding.

Reading time: 5 min.
Who needs ad copywriters and what they do

At first glance, it seems that the work of a copywriter does not require additional effort. The customer sends the assignment, the author will get acquainted with the topic and start writing the text. Correctly composed sentences, entered keys – and the article is ready. But in order to attract customers, you need interesting content. Advertising copywriting is focused on increasing the number of readers, conveying the main idea without unnecessary water. From the first try, few people manage to create truly high-quality articles.

Reading time: 7 min.
Fact checking when writing content, or how an author can check facts

Users love to read articles filled with truthful information. The presence of errors or misrepresentation will lead to a decrease in brand reputation. Companies are also not interested in misinformation. The slightest mistake or typo can instantly get into customer stories, and the brand will be associated with just such memes. To avoid such mistakes and the spread of false information that diminishes trust, it is necessary to use fact-checking.

Reading time: 6 min.
How to create a memorable company slogan?

How to quickly attract the attention of the target audience to a new brand? You need to create a good slogan and logo. A slogan is a short phrase that characterizes a company. Such words are needed to effectively promote a brand and increase customer loyalty. Customers will associate the slogan with your company and will quickly remember it due to its concise form.

Reading time: 7 min.
How to increase sales with sales copy

Every entrepreneur is interested in increasing the number of sales. To do this, it is necessary to increase the size of the average check – money that comes to the cashier from buyers. Upselling will help to achieve the optimal indicator. For online stores, the best way is to create content that includes words that increase sales.

Reading time: 6 min.