
How to format text in a Telegram

Telegram is a popular information exchange program where you can chat, read famous bloggers, create your own channel and find your audience. But in order for your subscribers not to have problems with the perception of the post, you need to initially make it conveniently readable.

Reading time: 6 min.
Copywriting in IT: the subtleties of writing texts about technology, basic requirements

Today, information technologies are being introduced into almost all spheres of life. Medicine, education, entertainment, communication – IT is used everywhere. By itself, IT is considered a complex market with the highest competition. As a rule, companies produce products for an international audience, and this creates some kind of obstacle to their promotion. An effective strategy and a strong marketing team can help in this matter.

Reading time: 5 min.
What is UX-copywriting

UX-copywriting is a relatively new field that has grown in popularity due to the increase in mobile traffic. More and more potential customers are using modern devices to search for services and products. To make it easy to get acquainted with offers, representatives of business sphere are revising the requirements for writing texts.

Reading time: 7 min.
The 5 Best Copywriters in the World

The increased attention to copywriting is due to the transition to new sales strategies. Changes in the market led to the emergence of a direction that remains relevant to this day. Company owners and sellers of goods are still interested in cooperation not with stock exchanges, but with the best authors.

Reading time: 8 min.
Rules for writing web news for websites

Companies need to keep their customers up to date with the latest news, which is why websites have a news column. News writing allows you to tell others about changes in the industry or about the activities of the organization. Preparing an element should not be difficult, but many beginner bloggers have problems.

Reading time: 7 min.
Text rhythm: how to make text attractive

Прочтение текста может вызывать скуку или мотивировать к действиям, а влияние, которое оказывается на читателя, во многом зависит от ритмичности. Длинные, сложно читаемые предложения – не тот результат, к которому нужно стремиться. Ритм художественного текста – ключ к вашему успеху.

Reading time: 6 min.