
Quotes: role in the text, formatting rules

A quote is a transfer of the author’s thought in the form in which it was originally indicated. Copywriters often have to use expressions like this. Therefore, you need to know the features of their use and design. If the text citation rules are used, the target audience will definitely like it and will receive a high rating from search robots.

Reading time: 6 min.
What is stemming?

When writing new articles, you need to look for new ways to diversify the text. These are not only new facts on the topic, but also linguistic methods. One of them is stemming. The origin of the word is English, in translation "stem" means stem, stem. Word conversion algorithms were created in 1968 by Julie Beth Lovins.

Reading time: 4 min.
How to write posts on Instagram

Now the popularity of social networks is off the charts. Many people use applications not only for personal communication, but also for business. You will be able to achieve incredibly fast promotion of your own brand if you know how to write a post on Instagram. Correctly composed texts will help increase conversion and take your business to the next level.

Reading time: 7 min.
How to properly search for information for articles

The network offers various texts, which can be conditionally divided into several types: informational, selling, advertising. But the goal of each of them is to sell a certain product or to make the brand more recognizable. To create quality content, you need to know how to properly search for information on the Internet. In this case, there will be no blunders and other problems that will lead to distortion of information.

Reading time: 5 min.
Value for money: why good copywriters are expensive

Now the work of a copywriter is becoming more and more popular. There are many exchanges on the network where authors can offer their services, and customers can choose a suitable artist for writing texts. But on such sites, mostly beginners work. An experienced copywriter will not write articles for the amounts offered on the exchange.

Reading time: 6 min.
What is SEO copywriting?

Many novice authors, as well as those who order articles for their site, do not know what SEO copywriting means. It is believed that such texts are targeted at search engines. But this is not the case – the content is tailored for readers, and the difference lies in the number of keys. There are more key words than in ordinary articles, they can be entered not only in exact, but also in morphological form.

Reading time: 6 min.