How to write a copywriter brief

Reading time: 7 min.

A copywriting brief is a questionnaire in which the customer answers the questions posed. This is a great way to provide as much information about a company, product or service as you need to write a quality article.

TOR and brief are slightly different. In the first case, the requirements for future work are described – the number of characters, the percentage of uniqueness, the theme and seo parameters, the deadline. When one project includes several texts, the brief is filled out once. Terms of reference must be drawn up for each article. The brief is most often needed for:

The questionnaire will contain enough information to create an article that attracts the target audience.

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Briefing principles

It is difficult to find a suitable form for a brief. Each company that creates texts develops its own list of questions that authors need to work. If the article types differ, you can create multiple briefs online. The more questions in such questionnaires, the more likely it is to write a text that is ideally adapted to the needs of the company.

An example TK for a copywriter consists of a small list that will help reveal the essence of future work. There are a number of questions to consider, the most popular of which are:

  1. Basic information about the company.
  2. Field of activity and list of offered goods / services.
  3. The presence of competitors and competitive advantages.
  4. Target audience.
  5. Principles of communication and cooperation with clients.
  6. Data for feedback.

If a technical specification is required for writing an article about a product, you can supplement the task with a description of the main properties of the product and its competitive advantages. Perhaps customers will receive some benefit at the time of purchasing the product. This should also be written about. Don’t forget about discounts or promotional offers that will interest your target audience. The final question will be the method of purchasing the product (ordering on the website, calling the manager, and so on).

How to find out information if the customer does not have a technical specification

Examples of TK for a copywriter can be found on the Internet, but some companies do not seek to offer maximum information for a future article. To make it easier and start preparing suitable materials, you should develop a list of several questions:

  1. Suggestions for the article (what would / would not like to see in the text).
  2. SEO data (keywords and so on).
  3. Examples of texts, the presentation of which is suitable for the site.

The brief is a great alternative to the classic terms of reference. When compiling it, you can include additional questions, including the topic of the article and the URL for the future product. Add a list of information that must be included in the work. Define the main purpose of the text and its style. Find out what percentage of uniqueness should be after writing (perhaps the customer has priority services for checking for plagiarism, which is also worth mentioning).

If the customer uses the template for the TK copywriter, additional information may not be required. But you always need to be prepared – perhaps the company has not thought about the main points that it wants to highlight in the article. In this case, you cannot do without additional questions.

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Additional information and nuances

If you want to create a quality brief so that copywriters can write articles about various companies without any problems, you need to pay attention to additional information. It looks best at the beginning of a text or at the end of it. With its help, the customer will find out why he needs to fill out the brief. It is also worth leaving data for feedback so that the client can send a questionnaire. Enter your phone number so that in case of difficulties with filling out the brief, the customer will contact you.

An example of a technical assignment for a copywriter is as follows. Try not to include a number of uninteresting questions. It is best to create multiple sections. When it comes to writing commercial text, use the following points:

How to write a good technical specification for a copywriter? You need to develop a structure and think about how to better design it. After the first acquaintance with the document, the customer must understand with whom he will cooperate. You can add the organization’s logo to the page. If the brief is done in the same style as the site, it will definitely inspire the client’s trust.

Once you’ve written your list of questions, you can email it. An equally interesting option is the online application form. How to make a Google Brief? For this, the service of the same name is used. In it, you can create a sample questionnaire with your questions and send a short link to the customer. Replies will be saved automatically, and you will receive a notification of completion to the specified email address.

Copywriting is straightforward when the author knows exactly what to write about. With a well-developed technical specification, the task will be completed much faster. No additional edits will be required (unless the customer wants to add new information to the text along the way). Therefore, try to create good briefs that will help you fully understand the principles of the company and the range of products.

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