Choosing a font for an article and its impact on the style of the site

Reading time: 7 min.

A high-quality corporate website is distinguished not so much by useful content as by the transmission of style and thinking. To do this, select the appropriate design of the article, carefully assessing the reproduced effect. But there is one important detail that should not be neglected – the selection of fonts for the site. The concepts of font or weight will change your attitude.

What you need to know about fonts

top fonts for the site

What do you know now about fonts and font selection? Surely, knowledge is a little limited. Ordinary users work with standardized text editors, so they are not interested in deeper study. But when you need to prepare a landing page, the best fonts for the site with their own characteristics come to the rescue.

It is difficult to make a decision during the development of a project, because the designers have proposed:

  1. Fonts. Times New Roman, Open Sans and Arial are the types of fonts that are used to design pages. The catalog contains thousands of offers, among which you need to choose the right one.
  2. Saturation (light, normal, bold). This parameter indicates the thickness of the letters. The basic set of tools offers thin, bold and semibold. You can increase the number of options. For example, on Tilda there are 5 options, and when installing the font they are increased independently.
  3. Size. Standard text parameters are 20 px. You can change the sizes yourself. Often, large letters are used for headings, and an order of magnitude smaller for the main letter.
  4. Notches. Previously, such fonts were used everywhere, but with the advent of the first mobile devices, the number of uses decreased sharply. Today, choosing between letters with or without serrations is much easier. This does not affect the overall appearance of the pages.

Matching personal ideas and recommended options will help you create an exceptional style using good fonts for your website. Considering that recommendations for projects vary, we should delve deeper into the topic of selecting parameters and type of style.

Designing text and improving readability

It seems impossible to notice a poorly chosen font, and this is partly true. Yes, the user is unlikely to understand which elements seem inappropriate to him, but traffic will show the results of your work. Since style affects the grade, more attention needs to be paid to accuracy.

Determining the style of the pages will help you understand how to choose a font for your website. Thus, different text formats suit different companies. To make an informed decision, you need to keep in mind the tone and how to create it. To do this, consider a combination of fonts from the default set of options:

  1. Normal text, bold title. This is a common solution that will suit any site. The combination meets the requirements of classical style.
  2. Normal text, bold title. The difference between the options is small, but they create different moods. In this way, the company emphasizes: here people will get energy and feel the drive.
  3. Thin text, bold title. The contrast created in this way is suitable for sites that do not want to give up the classic style and want to emphasize their energy.
  4. Thin text, thin title. The combination looks spectacular and modern. It is not surprising that the design is chosen to talk about new technologies, achievements of the digital world and other progressive things.

Popular website fonts only appear to be the same for all pages. In fact, the key difference is the choice of style. Website designers suggest choosing both the thickness and the font itself to create the right mood.

How to choose a font for materials on the site

Setting the characteristics takes time, and the result will affect users’ ratings. Therefore, remember that the main goal when choosing options is to improve readability and convey a style of thinking. To do this, the website builder offers a solid list of combinations.

The best fonts for landing pages are, first, the size of the letters. Thus, the visitor should not have to strain while studying and can easily obtain the requested data. For pages with a large amount of text, the following options are preferred:

To place photos and descriptions for them, choose a classic style with a letter size of 22 px. This way you create a convenient format, get customer attention and share useful information.

Additional fonts and customization

Downloading additional top fonts for the site will help you create a unique website style. To do this, we recommend paying attention to special services that offer various options to suit every taste. Which of them to choose – paid or free – you need to decide for yourself.

The secrets of successful text design on a page are collected in the rules of typography. You can find the required tips on thematic stock platforms. Photos with examples will help determine which options match your vision.

When assessing variety, consider readability. If the letters are barely visible against the background, you should refuse this offer. A user who opened the proposed site and could not read the information is unlikely to do so next time.

Additionally, finding the best fonts for a Cyrillic website is extremely important. In this case, you will be able to select options that can actually be used to design pages. If there is no mark about support for the required characters, think twice about paying for the purchase.

The search for a suitable design is carried out using competitors’ websites. Thus, you will be able to evaluate their solutions and compare them with your expectations. In addition, Fontaine, a site for selecting fonts taking into account typographic rules, helps you create your own style.

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