Telegram channel: tips for a copywriter on creating posts

Reading time: 5 min.

The decision to create a Telegram channel is given easily. Demand for messenger is growing, and with it the number of regular users is increasing. It is worth paying attention to the platform for several reasons, and one of them is the opportunity to create your own channel for advertising and promotion of services.

Making a decision is easy, which is not the case when it comes to attracting an audience. Newcomers to messenger face another challenge, and the question of how to write the first post in Telegram appears first. To find answers and get deed recommendations will not be a problem, because this article has everything you need.

General rules for creating posts

to write Telegram posts

Publishing interesting content is the first step to gaining the trust of users. But at the same time, you need to remember about the rules of design and ways of presenting information. Yes, in this network there are no requirements for the uniqueness of content, but it is hardly possible to keep the audience by repeating someone else’s blog posts.

For this reason, copywriters must remember the classic rules of posting. First, there should not be any errors in the text. This – catches the eye and causes irritation. The next thing that deserves separate explanations is the design of publications.

Despite the convenience, the welcome post in Telegram, as well as the subsequent ones, should be properly designed. In this case, it is a question of visual perception, which depends on:

  1. Formatting. A canvas of words is difficult to read, so you need to use paragraphs, indents and other ways to divide the text into parts. Lists will also simplify perception and allow you to read long publications diagonally.
  2. Style. The unique presentation of the text plays an important role. Thanks to the observance of the rules of stylistics, it is possible to distinguish your channel among others. In addition, posts in third-party communities will still lead to the group you created.
  3. Headlines. The main topic of the post is brought out in the title text, so that the user can immediately assess the content. Clickbait headlines are not the best way to attract an audience, so keep everything in moderation.

Emoticons and stickers help to simplify the perception of information in the modern world. A great solution: creating your own and recognizable images for publications. This way you can show your uniqueness and increase the recognizability of the channel.

Advertising in Telegram: what you need to know

Beautiful design of Telegram posts is also relevant for advertising publications. True, when preparing it, you need to take into account several features. For example, many copywriters start writing about the readiness to solve the problem of people. This approach can be used, but for greater effectiveness it is worth starting with a negative note.

Thanks to the unexpected beginning of the advertisement, it is possible to get the attention of the audience. Promises of a cloudless future often do not meet expectations. Starting negative, you convince the reader that you know their problem is not hearsay. This is enough for users to read the publication to the end and not leave for your competitors.

Retain an audience without knowing how to create a post in Telegram, the following tricks help:

The rapprochement of the administrator with users is gradual, so every step is important. You shouldn’t use a neural network to write Telegram posts, as it won’t replace your thoughts. In this way, you reduce the coverage and repel the audience.

Communicating with users

The audience does not forgive manipulation, so you should not go overboard with exclusivity. If you plan to close the channel and leave it only for subscribers, it is worth saying so. But greeting in the telegram channel with a text about the closure of the group without such plans is a bad decision.

Preparing relevant publications is the best trump card up your sleeve. Your readers are subscribed to dozens of similar pages, so try to avoid repetitive content. Add your own thoughts to news and supplement trite news with personal experiences or questions.

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