Rich content: what is it and who will need it

Reading time: 6 min.

Selling goods in an online store or on a marketplace is gaining momentum, but without taking into account current trends, the seller will quickly find himself behind the competition. Texts will help to avoid this and acquire a loyal permanent audience. The benefits of rich content will help you accomplish this and a few more.

Why rich content deserves attention

Rich content elements

The term got its name because of the abundant amount of information in the description. Deciding to use a new variety of materials is for those who work in the field of e-commerce. Users who search for products on your pages should get a complete understanding of the offer.

To skillfully use rich content in 2023, it is worth studying the algorithm for creating texts. Up to this point, the advantages of the modern marketing move attract attention:

  1. Detail. Sellers add as much information about the product as possible, including real photos. By listing the features and characteristics, the customer gets an idea of how the product meets expectations.
  2. Increase in demand. To find out what rich content is and how it affects sales, a description of the features is enough. As the customer’s interest is backed up by the real benefits of the product, the demand for the offer will grow.
  3. Minimum returns. Photos and description are for product study only. The buyer compares the offer with other options and is convinced of the correct decision. Thus, upon delivery of the order, the risk of a return is reduced to a minimum.
  4. Length of stay on the site. Rich content is a way to increase the length of a customer’s stay on the site. He will need time to study the goods, and if necessary, he will move on to the next similar lot. The longer the user is on the site, the better for the business.

Owners of online stores, marketplaces, online sellers and startups can use this type of text. It is necessary to find a contractor and draw up a detailed technical task. Thus, the author will better complete the task and reveal the advantages of the product in the required direction.

Rich content elements: infographics, photo, visualization

The work on the product card depends on your sales vision. To attract attention, you can use different elements that will distinguish the proposal from other options. To start working on a project, you should choose one or more approaches to creating content:

  1. Infographics. Graphic display of information has a positive effect on demand. Sellers use a unique card design and include photos of key benefits or features. Thanks to this, the client will quickly notice the offer and spend time studying it.
  2. Storytelling. Elements of storytelling come in handy here as well. The task of the author is to evoke the emotions of the consumer who opened the store’s catalog. Take the time to describe the important nuances that make your product stand out from the rest.
  3. Visualization. Creating rich content with graphic elements has reached a new level. A user who is looking for a specific product can look at it from different angles. To do this, add a visual model with the ability to rotate it 360 degrees.
  4. Presentation. The video with the seller on the product page is of interest, so users are highly likely to pay attention. Tell about the benefits of the product in a short video to save the client time.
  5. Reviews. Many consumers rate the offer on the comments of other visitors. Place a block with responses in the card and convince the buyer of the reliability, quality or versatility of the product.

When you understand what rich content is and know how to use it, building a loyal customer base is much easier. The buyer is convinced that you have prepared a detailed description and starts looking for products to buy on your site right away.

How rich content is created

Since it is based on a detailed description, the help of copywriters is needed. The author of the text will be able to choose the words and evoke emotions in the audience. To do this, you need to prepare the appropriate technical specifications and provide useful information about the product (target audience, features, benefits, etc.).

If your choice fell on the visual part of rich content, you will need to find a graphic designer. Its task is to visualize the product and show the client important features. Like rich content for marketplaces, this approach increases conversions and attracts traffic.

Some platforms offer to use ready-made templates for generating cards. You can find tools by registering an account and filling out a questionnaire. Follow the prompts of the system, contact managers for help and watch the change in sales statistics.

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