The right copywriter portfolio

Reading time: 7 min.

Finding a job is always a stress that accompanies a person from the moment a resume is created. A copywriter’s portfolio is no exception, as it reflects the interests and preferences of its creator. To make preparing materials and communicating with your future leader a little easier, use the recommendations from this article.

You will learn not only about how a portfolio is designed, but also about what the project managers themselves are silent about. A competent approach and some kind of consultation will help eliminate problems and create a demonstration for the employer why you are the best candidate for a job in his company or on an order.

Recommendations for beginners: creating a resume with your own hands

Applicants know what a resume is and why it is needed, but preparing it takes a lot of time. The novice author will have to create texts that will attract attention when viewed. And again the questions come: how to get materials for a copywriter’s portfolio and how to arrange it correctly. Let’s start with the first step.

A selection of texts for portfolio

Content for services is divided into categories and topics. To make work enjoyable, you need to start with simple tasks and choose the type that is closest to the rest. Informational content should consist of:

It is not difficult to create the first materials: prepare a technical task for yourself and write a text on it. As an option, use the technical specifications that are left by real clients on freelance exchanges. This will be an example of your creative activity.

There are other ways to gain valuable experience. Get to work on freelance sites and fill your “hand”. In the future, these skills will come in handy, and part of the portfolio database will be ready. Please note that a variety of topics increases the chances of getting your dream job.

Portfolio design

A copywriter resume consists of text files

A copywriter resume consists of text files. Common formats include .doc and electronic documents. Make sure that access to the files from the selection is open, and the potential employer does not spend a lot of time studying the proposed materials.

What should a copywriter’s portfolio look like? You have a choice of several solutions depending on the level of training:

  1. Links. Do you store your texts in electronic format? Divide them into categories depending on the subject and provide access. The link that leads to Google Drive must be working and show the client ready-made texts with names from the assortment.
  2. Screenshots. If your texts are already posted on the sites, use screenshot applications. It is important that the content is easy to read and displayed in full. No one needs the lines of the desktop screen or your browser.
  3. Documentation. The structure of a portfolio with documents is similar to the one where links are indicated. But instead of electronic resources, you show your completed orders after downloading documents.

Links that lead to portal pages are recommended to be checked before sending. Perhaps your text has been replaced, or the resource has been removed. Such a mistake reduces the chances of getting a positive response.

Portfolio texts: how to choose

All materials that are listed in the summary must belong to you, and not just a copy of other people’s thoughts. In addition, the work reflects your level of preparation, so exclude editing or help from other people (including customers and specialists). Follow this requirement and after employment you will not disappoint your employer.

In order for a copywriter to create an interesting portfolio, you need to work out several important points:

  1. Writing style. Informational texts are easy to turn into commercial ones, but journalism is not so easy to change. Choose those materials that are close to you and do not cause inconvenience during preparation.
  2. Subject. Uncovering an incomprehensible or complex topic without experience will not work. For this reason, write about what you are savvy and understand. Gaining new experience will allow you to expand the list of available topics, but do not rush into this at the beginning.
  3. Attach assignments. The tasks that the author faces are demonstrated by adding TK. This information will help the manager to assess your level of preparation and ways to solve the assigned tasks.

Now you have an understanding of how a portfolio is made and how to approach this task. But there is another issue that requires attention.

Where to post your completed portfolio

Once you’ve learned how to make a portfolio for an aspiring copywriter, you can move on to finding portals to connect with potential executives. Again, you have to choose between:

  1. Freelance exchanges. Here you can specify your preferred topics, add files and offer your services. Follow the prompts of the system and create your own virtual resume.
  2. Own site. You can use free multi-button builders or paid tools. The ability to work with the site will distinguish you from other candidates.
  3. Google portfolio. If you don’t know where to place your portfolio copywriter, you can resort to simple solutions. Create folders, share and send information to employers.

Now you have received answers to your questions and you can get down to business. Use tips on how to build a copywriter portfolio, and luck will smile on you!

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