Help for a novice copywriter: professional slang

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copywriter's dictionary

Work on the text seems simple and uncomplicated. The author is faced with the task of writing material taking into account the requirements of the company, and he does it. But in reality, things are a little more complicated. There is a certain terminology that allows you to get to know copywriting and the process of preparing an article in general.

If you are a novice author, the list of terms is mandatory for review. Experienced writers can also learn new information from the common vocabulary of the pros. To simplify the task, it is worth starting with the basics. A complete copywriter’s dictionary is a lot of interesting things.

Terms that relate to types of texts

Commercial texts are created by people who have studied the features of the work in practice. As for beginners, they have a hard time. In addition to mastering the art of presenting thoughts, you need to understand the difference between the types of ready-made texts.

Copywriting is the process of preparing materials using verified data, names and facts. However, customers tend to indicate the direction of the texts that are presented:

  1. Landing. A one-page site contains a description of a product or service, including all features. The author is faced with the task of writing an advertisement for the reader.
  2. UX copywriting. Small paragraphs are intended to describe the products that the audience gets acquainted with from mobile devices. In this case, brevity is the sister of talent.
  3. Viral content. The copywriter creates an interesting article on a relevant topic so that readers actively share the material with other users.
  4. Rewriting. The text, which was created on the basis of materials while maintaining the style, was called rewriting. The rights of the owner are not violated, since rewriting is a legal opportunity.
  5. LSI copywriting. A feature of the material is the use of synonyms that correspond to the topic. This approach to writing contributes to the promotion of the site.
  6. SEO article. The copywriter’s dictionary is not complete without this term. Such an article meets the requirements of readers and search engine algorithms. Thanks to this, it is possible to effectively promote the page in the issue.

It is worth noting that this is a small part of the terms that refer to text options. In addition, there are longreads, reviews, product cards and much more. With the development of skills, difficulties with the use of terminology do not arise. Do not rush to plunge into the pool with your head.

Text requirements: what the customer wants

It is worth supplementing the copywriter’s dictionary of terms with excerpts from the terms of reference. Customers indicate the requirements for the quality of the prepared materials, which must be observed. To complete the assigned tasks, pay attention to the instructions from the list:

Again, these are only common customer requirements. In fact, the list is much longer, but for beginners, the information will not be useful. Rest assured, you will gradually find it easier to use copywriting terms for execution and headlines.

Characteristics of the text that affect the result

Actions with materials now look not so simple, but familiarity with the terminology is not yet complete. A high-quality text must meet a number of requirements that are not always specified in the terms of reference. These include stop words, introductory words, adding links, and much more.

First, find out what is behind the “stop word”. The use of signs, symbols and phrases that do not carry a semantic load is a gross mistake. If their number is moderate, then you will not have to work through the text. However, the abundance of inserted words worsens the perception of the material. Lines should be deleted.

Copywriting terms also include clichés. These are phrases that are overused in the article. A striking example is the expressions “not difficult”, “high quality” or “needs to be mentioned”. Often they look out of place and also do not make sense.

To build your copywriter’s short dictionary, you need to use additional control tools. Services that check texts for quality are available and free. All in your hands!

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