What is copywriting? Who is a copywriter and what does he do?

Reading time: 11 min.

Many consumers often wonder who a copywriter is and what copywriting means. In short, this is the writing of unique commercial texts. Well-written content can several times increase sales of goods and services, attract a new audience and increase profits! Everyone who runs a business is resorting to copywriting services today. Also, writers are contacted by bloggers writing a personal page on social networks.

кто такой копирайтер Writing a completely unique text today is practically impossible: the authors take most of the information on the Internet, adding their own thoughts to the material. But the copywriter’s task is to select the most suitable one from a huge amount of information.

Based on this, we can determine who a copywriter is and what he does. This is a person who creates advertising, informational, useful, selling texts in accordance with the requirements of the customer.

It is widely believed that copywriters in most cases work on freelance exchanges. Many authors do register on exchanges, working for a minimum payment ($ 0.5 or even less per text or 1000 characters). Professional, experienced copywriters do not work on such content platforms for one reason – they do not sell their services for a penny.

Therefore, a copywriter is a person who writes texts for websites, receiving at least $ 2 for work (if you start from the rates for 1000 characters). Some authors set the price not for symbols, but for the text as a whole. In this case, the cost may be completely different. But the copywriter writes on how many characters a day, and his earnings depend.

Cost of copywriter services

Even today, the price of a copywriter brings many customers into a stupor: the client does not understand why you need to pay $ 3-4, if not more, for a small text (say, an Instagram post)? But the copywriter does not understand why he should agree to a lower cost. After all, the price includes:

Plus, the text should be interesting, catchy and not only read to the end, but also compelling to perform a specific target action (buy / record / call). That is, a text that makes a profit cannot be cheap.

There are customers who do not fully understand, a copywriter – who does this and what they do, and, as an example, require them to perform tasks that relate to the duties of a targetologist or designer.

In turn, copywriters may offer other services. For example, full profile management, groups in social networks. This includes not only writing content, but also posting, selecting images (if there is no designer), responding to comments, etc. The price of such a service rises several times. A copywriter taking the first steps in the profession can take about $ 100-150 per month. An experienced artist has a slightly higher price tag. And if the copywriter will have 2-3 such clients, plus additional individual orders, then the author’s earnings per month can reach from $ 1000 and more.

Based on this, we can say that copywriting is very profitable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people relearn and go not just into a remote profession, but choose copywriting as a permanent job.

Freelance exchange or agency: where is the best place to order texts?

Each customer is free to choose an artist wherever he wants: an exchange, an agency or contact authors working outside these sites. Pros and cons are everywhere. The main thing for the client is to get a good, high-quality text that will work for the benefit of his business. Otherwise, why spend money on something that does not work?

But even today, many customers go to content exchanges, publish a request there, set a price and wait for feedback. However, there is some nuance: there are not so many people who want to complete the voluminous task for the minimum payment. And even if there is a contractor, there is no guarantee that the customer will receive really good material.

So, beginners do not quite understand copywriting – what it is, what texts and types of content are; where to check written material for anti-plagiarism, etc. And here there are two options – to increase the price tag or to look for an artist in another place.

In addition, many authors on the stock exchange confuse two concepts – copywriting and copyright. And if the concept of copywriting was described above, now you need to understand what copyright is. There is a lot of information on the Web where these two concepts overlap, but do not confuse the meaning of these words. Copyright is a copyright sign. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to say that copywriting and copyright are one and the same thing.

If we talk about the agency, then there are more chances to get quality material:

  1. Copywriters carefully study the terms of reference / brief.
  2. Analyze competitors and target audience of the customer.
  3. After writing the text, a thorough proofreading by the editor is carried out to exclude stylistic, spelling and punctuation errors from the material.

Those. the client receives much better text at an optimal price than the material without observing all the rules of copywriting, but at a low cost.

If the customer wants to seek the services of a copywriter working outside the exchange and the agency, then you should be prepared for a higher price tag.

Agency staff copywriter or freelance writer

What is copywriting on the Internet and what is the best way to get started – issues that concern many people who want to leave for a remote profession. If you have writing skills, high literacy and want to make money writing articles, you can start your career in a profession at a copywriting agency. And then, if desired, go into independent swimming, honing your skills, gaining good experience and building up a portfolio.

What gives a job in the agency staff:

  1. A person gains considerable experience and the ability to write articles on various topics, because universal studios work in studios.
  2. A full-time copywriter always has the opportunity to seek help from managers, supervisor, this is especially important for beginners.
  3. The texts undergo a thorough proofreading by the editors, so if you have a little suffering attentiveness, then the material will certainly be checked for errors. But it’s worthwhile to understand that literacy is a key factor by which authors are selected.
  4. The skill of writing texts of any orientation is being developed – advertising, selling, informational, useful.

If you compare the exchange and the agency, then it is better to give preference to the second option. Still, the work here is much more stable, and you will always have a task, which means earnings. The stock exchange will have to fight for a penny order, proving that you are better, smarter and more experienced.

How to order the text and not miscalculate with the performer?

The profession of copywriter requires certain knowledge and skills. A good writing of school essays will not tell a potential client anything: first of all, they need a portfolio of works to make sure the quality of the content and the level of the author. But what if the client contacts the agency? As a portfolio of a content studio, reviews from other customers and examples of written texts usually serve. Also, the level of professionalism can be assessed by the way the manager communicates with the client.

Who should I contact – an independent performer or an agency? Quite a difficult choice. Not the last role in this choice is played by the price of the service. For independent performers, the price tag is higher than in copywriting studios. But this does not mean at all that when ordering services at an agency, quality will suffer. On the contrary, the customer has a chance to get high-level text at an affordable price.

The choice, of course, remains with the client – to order texts from an independent author or to apply for services to the copywriting agency Fabrika Slov, where favorable prices are set and whose staff includes experienced copywriters.

How does copywriting work?

The answer to the question of what makes a copywriter on the Internet, it would seem, lies on the surface – writes texts. In fact, this process involves a systematic approach. It takes up to 15% of the time for the artist to write the text, the rest is information and the system. The author needs information to solve the task, because it is for the solution that he receives money. The system is necessary for managing the result. Those. text – a tool with which the task is solved.

Even the most beautiful, “tasty” and brilliant text will not give anything if it is not read. It should be designed for the target audience: it is unlikely that the information on how the internal combustion engine works will interest the masters of beauty sphere. After all, the text is primarily aimed at selling goods and services, and for this it should be aimed at potential customers.

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