How to create a memorable company slogan?

Reading time: 7 min.

How to quickly attract the attention of the target audience to a new brand? You need to create a good slogan and logo. A slogan is a short phrase that characterizes a company. Such words are needed to effectively promote a brand and increase customer loyalty. Customers will associate the slogan with your company and will quickly remember it due to its concise form.

The slogan contains no more than 5 words. Content – the competitive advantage of a brand, a veiled call to action or line of business. For writing, literary techniques are used (alliteration, metaphor, and others).

Users see advertising campaigns on the online market every day, and a memorable slogan will help to distinguish the brand from the rest. If it is written in rhyme and has a rhythm, it is more likely to attract the attention of new buyers.

create a memorable company slogan

Principles for creating a slogan

To come up with a strong phrase to advertise your company, follow these tips for creating a slogan for your business:

  1. Take your time. A marketing campaign will show results if you devote enough time to it. A slogan can be created in a matter of minutes, but it is better to collect complete information about the company, gradually jot down ideas and discuss their power with colleagues or friends.
  2. Do not use complex speech patterns. Customers should immediately understand the meaning of the slogan. You only have a few seconds to impress the company. During this time, the client will read the slogan and understand whether he wants to cooperate with the brand.
  3. Add a joke. If you add a little humor, your ad campaign will be perceived much better. The main thing is that the joke is appropriate.
  4. Talk about the quality of the product. Avoid over-praising a brand if the company offers insufficient service. The client must understand that the idea of ​​the slogan is true. This will help build trust and increase profits.
  5. Research your target audience. If you managed to reach the international level of sales, make sure that every potential buyer can correctly understand the slogan. To do this, you need to translate phrases into several languages. If it does not lose its essence, then the slogan is chosen correctly.

memorable company slogan

Before you come up with a slogan for a brand, think about the features of the commercial proposal. The uniqueness of your business can be described in a succinct phrase. It stands out from the customer offer. The benefits of the terms of cooperation, delivery speed, price or other characteristics will help the contractor create an effective slogan for promotion.

Slogan generator

If the algorithm for creating a slogan does not seem simple enough, and you have not decided how to come up with a new company slogan, use the help of special applications. Phrases are generated automatically. This allows you to reduce the hours spent on coming up with a slogan and tackle other business tasks. For an advertising campaign to work effectively, you need to understand the phrases that the service will offer.

Developing slogans is an important part of promoting a company, so the chosen slogan should be unusual and interesting. Thoughtlessly copying options from an online generator will lead to a decrease in user interest.

The network offers many services that work for free. You can use one of them or browse options from several generators before settling on one phrase.


One of the best platforms for creating slogans has become Shopify. To start working with the generator, you should specify the keywords that correspond to the direction of your company. You will be offered about 1 thousand options, of which you will only have to choose the most suitable one.

Thanks to modern algorithms, creative ideas are developed that can be used for your brand. Strong words, emotional phrases and easy-to-remember expressions will be enough to be included in an advertising campaign.

The online assistant will provide optimal solutions for your business in the shortest possible time. Add a slogan to your logo, display it on your website and launch an effective promotion campaign.


Principles for creating a slogan

The Logaster service also helps to create slogans automatically. In order not to go through the proposed options, indicate the name of the company. The site offers a filtering mode. This will help to place a favorable emphasis on the benefits of the company:

Working with the platform is straightforward. The application is made with an intuitive interface. The modern algorithm creates creative slogans that will grab the attention of the target audience.


If you are a retail store owner and want to move into online sales, use the Getsocio platform. The site generates unique slogans, different in style and content. You will be able to view the list of available slogans after clicking on the corresponding page button.

Templates are used to create phrases. The service will choose the most suitable one based on the key queries that will be specified. Additional tools help promote your business online – you can easily increase the conversion rate and income of your own company.

Now you know how to create a successful slogan and gain the trust of potential customers. Simple and effective ways to help generate unique phrases that will attract new users and increase brand awareness.

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