When studying a foreign language, it is easy to notice that there are words that are written and sound the same, but denote different concepts. For this reason, it is not always easy for foreigners to perceive speech: homonyms and their use seem commonplace only to native speakers. Adaptation to new conditions takes time, after which this fact is easy to lose sight of.
In order not to mislead your interlocutor, we recommend learning more about the features of words that are similar in sound and spelling. This information will be useful for those who study foreign languages, work with texts and communicate with people from different countries.
Homonyms differ not only in meaning, but also in other parameters. Similar words carry different semantic loads, and, in addition, often act as several parts of speech. Terms can be verbs and nouns. In most cases, perception is influenced by the context in which a particular concept is used.
Attention to homonyms is not related to close attention to the development of the language. In fact, the term “homonymy” was introduced into use by Aristotle. Although at that time no one thought about the reasons for the emergence of similar-sounding words, today there are several theories:
Regardless of the reasons for their formation, it is important to know and remember this feature of the language. Authors of articles use terms without thinking about the consequences. Remembering that the right words are required for website promotion, and algorithms of numbers “are engaged” in the analysis of the content, it is recommended to avoid homonyms. Confusion, which is easily overlooked by a person, misleads protocols.
However, one should not think that homonyms only bring problems. Due to its wide use, a new trend in humor has emerged. Some jokes are based on the fact that the terms mean completely different things and cause misunderstandings.
The graphic similarity of words is called homonymy, but there are several differences between the terms used. Although the names of different processes and objects coincide with others, it is necessary to use the generally accepted classification and divide the words into:
Examples of homonyms do not always help determine which category to assign terms to. For example, paronyms are words that are similar in sound and composition, but are used in different contexts. Economical is the property of bringing material benefits, and economic refers to economics.
Words with multiple meanings do not fall into any of the above categories. For example, the word “brush” refers to words with multiple meanings, and is used to indicate a part of the hand, a drawing tool, and branches with berries or flowers.
The section on the practical value of such terms will help consolidate the material on the topic of what homonyms are. It is not necessary to refuse to use familiar words, since this property can be used for good. Those who connect their work with writing texts using keys should familiarize themselves with the recommendations.
We have already mentioned that words with the same sound/image are used in humor, and it is worth devoting time to available techniques. Based on similarity, simple jokes are created related to misunderstandings between interlocutors. Use this opportunity when displaying similar situations on paper. It is important to choose homographs so that the joke does not lie on the surface.
The second point to remember is how homonyms are used in the text. You will discover terms for yourself from a new side, choosing them for your works and poems. Thanks to a simple but original approach, you can make your work unique. Homonyms will add contrast to the text, emphasize the depth and stylistic character works.
Copywriters should use grammatical, even partial, similarities with caution. Given that types of homonyms imply unrelated terms, remember the risk of writing about fashionable clothes (looks), but ending up in the section for gardeners who care for plants.