Linking: what is it, and what is it for?

Reading time: 5 min.

We are almost sure that the materials on your page are related to the same topic. But this connection is noticeable to the reader or any other visitor to the site. What can we say about search bots? They identify some repetitions of information and cannot correctly perform their function, namely, recommend useful URL links upon request.

To avoid getting into a similar situation, and, in addition, to benefit, hyperlinks are prescribed. Thus, we can say that linking is the linking of several pages by using links to your own or external resources. Moreover, the latter option is used much less frequently.

Linking within the site

Linking within the site

Internal linking is of particular interest to website owners. In this way, they draw attention to products from reviews, and also offer to order services without direct advertising. There are many benefits to this solution, but first, determine which types of hyperlinks are worth your time.

When you know what website linking is, taking the next steps is much easier. So, today there are several types of cross-links to promote new offers.

Automatic linking

This type of automatic page hyperlinks is suitable for large online stores and information platforms. It is worth choosing this option for the following reasons:

Such linking on the site was created to increase traffic to previously created materials. Placing them in a thematic block will allow you to focus on compliance with requests and stimulate faster transition. Thus, ranking and traffic indicators are improved.

Anchor and non-anchor linking

Anchor is text that is selected taking into account the topic of the recommended page. Harmoniously used words in the material do not attract much attention, so they are perceived as part of the content. Clicking on the anchor text takes you to the next article to explore the topic.

Non-anchor hyperlinks are no less common. They are used without adding text, but are indicated using suggestive words. In this way, it is possible to bypass the limitation on the number of hyperlinks and increase the audience on the specified page.

Contextual and end-to-end linking

The internal linking of site pages, which is located on all tabs, is called end-to-end. This method is used to attract attention to a specific article that is either not in demand for objective reasons (for example, recently created), or has not received a sufficient number of visits.

As for hyperlinks in context, SEO linking is required to confirm the specified information. For example, a review of a company’s products might include a link to explore each product individually. This method of linking is called contextual.

Navigation linking

The user interface should be simple and understandable from the first minute. For a relevant experience, navigation hyperlinks are placed on the site to go to the main sections. They are added to thematic blocks, at the bottom of pages or in menus to avoid conflicts.

Why do you need to link website pages?

It is worth paying attention to this method of making recommendations for several reasons. Firstly, having proper site linking increases page traffic. In addition, this way you get:

  1. Long stay. Search algorithms evaluate a site based on how long visitors spend. If you have prepared hyperlinks, the likelihood of lengthy study increases. As a result, the site receives high relevance.
  2. Improved indexing. Upgrading hyperlinks help you get into the algorithm index. This happens by pointing to the right pages for faster scanning of materials. A thoughtful example of linking is of particular interest to large websites and online stores.
  3. Increase in attendance. Describing new products or services using a link will bring more value. The buyer will appreciate the arguments presented and will go to the recommended products via the hyperlink.

The (already) well-known internal linking of the site allows you to attract users to read fresh materials. The presence of links to less popular pages leads to the distribution of “weight”. For owners, this means that more popular articles increase the ranking of less popular content.

Analysis of traffic indicators will help you select pages for linking. The less attention an important section receives, the greater the need for additional incentive. In this sense, everything is simple.

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