Useful sites and programs for copywriters

Reading time: 8 min.

The world is more and more digitized, so it is not surprising that in many spheres of life and business, humans are being replaced by robotic machines and artificial intelligence. In the copywriting environment, the situation is not much better: an automated program for writing text is unlikely to replace material written by a person. Although there are already attempts to introduce a robot copywriter. At the same time, you can do work today with the help of many online services that make the work of copywriters easier.

Special services will always come to the aid of the author: they will help to find an error, check the text for uniqueness, overspam and water. However, there are useful sites, programs for copywriters, thanks to which you can check both literacy and uniqueness and other important points in the text.

программы для копирайтеров

We talk about all this in our article.

Typing software

Good old MS Office Word or in a simple way Word. The program in which we all learned to type our first texts on the first computers. Like the operating system itself, the Word changed frequently: appearance, functionality, capabilities. But since progress does not stand still, then a replacement was found for the old man – Google. In this browser, it is enough to create a google drive and there is already a built-in online analogue of MS Office Word.

Its convenience is that not only the copywriter himself can work in an online document, but also the editor, customers – everyone who has a link to the document and access to editing. In terms of its functionality and capabilities, a Google document is not much different from a traditional Word: it has all the necessary functions for editing written material.

The second useful program for writing text is the Speech service. Also from Google we know. You can use the service when there is no time to create text manually. All you need is to select Russian in the drop-down list, turn on the microphone icon and start dictating the text. A very handy program for lazy copywriters, as well as those who value their time.

The finished text from the program can be transferred to a regular Word or Google document, where you can already edit it. This service is very handy when you need to write a lot of material.

Literacy programs

A copywriter must be literate a priori. Of course, the human factor is not excluded. However, when there is a mistake in the text, then even the coolest article will look very unpresentable. Therefore, checking what has been written is the first thing to do after creating the text. For this, the following sites for working with text are suitable:

  1. is a free service where you can check the spelling of words and phrases.
  2. Birman’s collection – a more voluminous service, where the rules of the Russian language from 1956 are given. Here you can find everything – from the spelling of the sibilant and beloved verbs “-tsa / tsya”, as well as punctuation rules.
  3. Spelling – here you can already check the entire text, not a single word. However, to use the program for the correct writing of the text, you must subscribe to a paid subscription. Checks not only grammatical but also stylistic errors.

полезные сайты для копирайтера

  1. Text Is – a service for placing punctuation marks and checking punctuation. He is unlikely to be able to replace a full-fledged editor, but at least he will find doubled punctuation marks.
  2. – a program for writing text using special terminology. Here you can find technical, medical, economic and legal terms. The disadvantage of the program is that there is no search string here, so you need to at least navigate the topic and understand where and what to look for. It is also a good version of the program for the lazy and unwilling to delve deeply into the terminology of copywriters.
  3. is an excellent service for deciphering abbreviations that are often found in texts. But which version of decoding is correct and suitable for the subject of the text – the author himself needs to figure it out.

The presented useful sites for copywriters can and should be used in work – this greatly facilitates writing material even on the most complex topics.

Where can I check the uniqueness and other parameters of the text?

Any text must be unique. However, even a text written from scratch can carry information already available on the Internet.

It is sometimes difficult to achieve uniqueness. There is a simple explanation for this: there are millions of words, phrases, word combinations on the Internet that can and will coincide. And nothing can be done about it. Still, it is possible to achieve uniqueness, for example, using synonymous words, paraphrases, etc. To do this, you can use various programs for writing and checking articles. For example, the online service “Synonymizer”, where several variants of synonyms are presented. However, you need to be careful here, because each word has its own meaning.

Useful sites and programs for copywriters

And you can check the uniqueness on such services as:

  1. AdvegoPlagiatus. Checking texts online. The developers declare it as free, but in fact a free check is available for a couple of texts, and even then it all depends on the number of characters in it. For verification, 5000 free symbols are given, and there you will already have to pay a pretty penny. But there is a way out – the program can be downloaded to your computer – and check as much as you like.
  2. Free service, but there is a limitation – the program will check the article up to 15,000 characters. You can apply for a PRO status, then the check will take place several times faster.
  3. Content-Watch. The service is paid. However, the developers decided to be generous and allocate three free checks in one day. The allowed number of characters for verification is 10,000 characters.

These are sites popular with copywriters and customers for checking and working with texts.

The same AdvegoPlagiatus and will help check the text for water, spam, nausea. But a more detailed check will be carried out by “Glavred” and “Turgenev”. The first one is too correct, and if you remove all unnecessary words, in his opinion, you get a very dry text. “Turgenev” is softer, and does not always insist on “being right”.

The presented programs for writing articles are good helpers for a copywriter in their work. In our agency “Fabrika Slov” the authors are familiar with many of them and successfully apply them in business.

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