Text structure: features of an inverted pyramid

Reading time: 7 min.

Writing texts for business promotion follows a given structure. The author’s decision determines the reader’s level of involvement, the length of his stay on the site, and how many materials he reads. Needless to say, sticking to a plan makes it much easier to highlight the most important things, convey the idea to the audience, and talk about additional benefits?

What is the structure of the text?

the inverted pyramid principle

You need to attract the reader’s attention from the first sentence, which is included in the lead paragraph. The introductory part is almost always the same, which cannot be said about the subsequent steps in the text. The inverted pyramid principle is often used by news channels, because their task is to quickly answer reader questions.

Given this requirement, the author immediately provides the most important information, answering who did what, when and where this event occurred. Thanks to a quick overview of the situation, the user decides whether to continue reading.

Despite the connection between short news and the inverted pyramid, the principle can be adapted for advertising materials. Key features of the structure will be preserved, and the results will be improved. By paying attention to the rules of the pyramid, the author achieves the following goals:

The inverted pyramid rule is easy to learn and use, which is why commercial texts with this structure are in demand. It should be understood that the effectiveness of the method largely depends on the correct assessment of the proposal. If the author fails to highlight important points, the risk of losing a client increases.

Inverted pyramid: features, advantages and disadvantages

To understand what the inverted pyramid principle is, it is worth highlighting the main differences from other methods of presenting information. To this end, you can study the priority of facts that affect the success of publications:

  1. Lead paragraph. Since you need to immediately introduce the audience to the benefits of a product or service, you need to write a catchy first paragraph. It contains the essence of the proposal without water and “lyrical digressions”
  2. Main thought. A description of important details will help complement the image that was created at the beginning. Thanks to them, it will be possible to consolidate the main idea, select arguments and motivate to conclude a deal.
  3. Additional data. The final part contains quotes from experts and real clients, excerpts from other reviews and information about similar offers in the range.

The right arguments, arranged in a logical order, will help convince the reader that he needs your product/service. But before presenting arguments, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main advantages and benefits that will keep attention on the article.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Pyramid Structure

The idea of ​​writing text from top to bottom seems very attractive, and there is a reason for this. Firstly, the essence of the sentence is concentrated at the beginning of the text, therefore:

Secondly, the main idea of ​​the text is revealed immediately, so there is no feeling of imposed intrigue. Approaches to the target audience may differ depending on the specifics of the business, but the recommendation to use an inverted pyramid remains relevant.

As for the shortcomings, there are much fewer of them. The main problem is that the author does not have room for an emotional component. It is not possible to describe personal experiences or opinions, which may cause some inconvenience. Otherwise, the pros and cons of the inverted pyramid are not equal, which makes the method attractive to businesses and readers.

When does the pyramid method work best?

The news format for presenting information will be useful not only to the authors of such columns. The technique can be used in other cases, since the copywriter achieves the desired result – attracts and holds the reader’s attention.

To choose the inverted pyramid principle for writing text, evaluate it for compliance with the following criteria:

Since the principle originated as a way to save effort, the option is extremely attractive for small articles. This structure of thought is necessary for preparing texts for social networks, press releases and information materials. The absence of digressions will allow you to point out the most important things while leaving out minor details.

Inverted pyramid in classical and modern sense

Given that the approach has been used for decades, it is worth pointing out that there is a classic use. In this case, the method allows you to reduce the volume to a minimum and lead to the implementation of the target action.

However, modern copywriters have already managed to adapt the “outdated” format to current requirements.

The modern structure of SEO text in the form of an inverted pyramid has been changed by increasing the list of facts that can (and should) be indicated at the beginning of the article:

The answers to these questions complement the classical approach and influence the value of the written material. Distributing more newsworthy facts improves conversion rates and perception. Thanks to the inverted pyramid, the text manages to offer not only a valuable product, but also saves time.

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