Essential Elements of a Great Interview

Reading time: 6 min.

A conversation with a famous person or an expert in the field is intriguing and exciting, so readers take the time to read relevant interviews. This is a trend in journalism, and it is difficult for an inexperienced copywriter to “find the words” and format the text so that it attracts the attention of the audience.

It is known for sure that you can write an interview on any topic. In view of this, the information genre is subject to some changes. It is difficult to convey the essence of a conversation without proper experience, but it is possible to avoid common mistakes that affect the quality of the material.

Differences that indicate a shoddy interview

Essential Elements of a Great Interview

You should think about correct formatting immediately after receiving the task, because the audience’s attitude depends on it. However, it is also not recommended to forget about the mundane aspects of the text. The interviewer’s lack of experience is noticeable due to the following mistakes:

  1. Pays more attention to flattery. Meeting with a specific expert and famous person in the early stages of the interviewer’s work is confusing. For this reason, the material contains a minimum of questions and a maximum of praise.
  2. Actively shares his opinion. A person who only thinks about how to write a good interview pays attention only to his own experiences. Thanks to this, the respondent’s opinion remains out of sight.
  3. Provokes the respondent to conflict. Conflict between a journalist and an expert is not acceptable. This behaviour indicates a lack of experience and a desire to write an article for the “yellow press.”

Being among the top interviewers is difficult, but increasing the readability of interviews is much easier. When choosing professionalism over momentary flashes of fame, it is worth taking the time to study the structure, basic elements and techniques of interviews. This makes a positive result more likely.

What you need to know about interviews

The topic of the conversation with the respondent affects the type of material. Thus, communication based on professional activity is a subject of interview. If the interviewer asks questions about a person’s personality, the material is classified as personal. A mixture of the first and second types is the most common option, since this is how one forms an opinion about the event and the person of the invited guest.

The ideal length for a printed interview is up to 5,000 characters. This is enough to reveal the expertise, view of the situation and personality of the respondent. In addition, the author is highly likely to hold the reader’s attention. This is also taken into account before writing an interview.

Since the purpose of any text is to share interesting information, it is worth taking time to prepare the composition. There are now several submission options:

The method of presenting the interview is chosen before starting work on the text. Indicate your choice to the respondent, and after processing is completed, invite him to familiarize himself with the final version.

Required interview design elements

The final version of the material necessarily contains elements that increase the interest of the audience. You can (and should) highlight important places by changing the font and drawing quotes from the “body” of the interview. This way you help the reader follow your conversation with an interesting person.

In addition to highlighting phrases, spend time asking experienced interviewers for advice on how to write interviews correctly. The list contains several items:

  1. Heading and subheadings. An attention-grabbing headline is a good way to attract your audience. Subheadings are needed to divide a publication into blocks or build a chronology.
  2. Lead. Copywriters insist that the lead paragraph affects the readability of the text. If we talk about interviews, then in the introductory part you need to reveal the subject of discussion and encourage the reader to continue reading.
  3. Main text. This part of the material is the most interesting. The way you present information depends on your decision when thinking about how to write an interview. Question and answer, blocks, or direct answers are popular options.
  4. Images. Visual elements include photographs taken during the meeting. This will make your recordings more “alive” and realistic. If you have the opportunity to organize a photo session, use it.

The questions that the interlocutor will hear require no less attention. Read your audience’s suggestions to add them to your list. You need to do this before the interview, and you already know how to write an interesting article.

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