Copywriting is becoming more and more popular, so information about the principles of writing quality texts appears in many publics. But the authors do not cease to worry about the question, to which there is no unambiguous answer: “how many pages should be in the article?”.
To understand the scope of the article, it is necessary to focus on various factors. Among them, it is worth noting the subject of the site for which the materials are created, the format of the article, the preferences and place of residence of the target audience. Before choosing a writing technique, determine what goal the creation of new materials pursues – promoting a page or an entire site, attracting new customers, and so on.
Informative articles are published on the Internet on each site. They can be either very concise and concise (within a thousand characters), or belong to the category of long reads (more than 10 thousand characters). Authors can arbitrarily choose the amount of text, as long as it is interesting and informative enough.
Search engines give a higher ranking to sites that have long texts. This is due to search algorithms that calculate not only the number of characters, but also take into account the content of the content. Attention is paid to:
If you need to write descriptions for product cards, it is not necessary to invent a text longer than 500 characters. You can prepare a beautiful concise text about lipstick or other products in such a volume. But if we are talking about a whole line from a brand or comparing the best products, you should increase the amount of text so much that you can pay attention to all the important points for the reader. The end of the text should not suddenly end, it should contain a complete thought, which will be a summing up of the above.
When it comes to selling text, the volume of the article should not exceed several thousand characters. Customers are unlikely to be interested in reading about the benefits of a company or specific products when they are painted over several pages. You should carefully consider the questions and try to concisely describe the necessary information, adjusted for the readers.
But the recommendation is not a strict requirement. Many customers indicate the size of the article in the technical task. In this case, you need to describe the main aspects without going beyond the limits. To calculate how many characters have already been written, you can look at the parameters in a Word document or copy the text and upload it to an online analyzer for counting.
If your goal is to post information about the medical center, try to describe the basic data about the company, the features of the work of professionals and the list of services. Such a text can be up to 300-400 words. In conclusion, you can specify additional information: how to contact, pricing policy, and so on.
The volume of an article for publication on a blog can be regulated by the author. If today he writes an article that is interesting for readers for 3000 bp, and tomorrow, under the impression of a new movie or the release of a long-awaited device, he creates a unique longread, his public will still be popular.
The main thing is to make sure that your own interests are fully consistent with the preferences of readers. In this case, you can write about what you like yourself. Structured unique texts, which have a clear division into subsections, an introduction and informative conclusions, will be perfectly appreciated by both readers and search robots.
If you want to increase the popularity of your blog, it is recommended to use related keywords. The optimal size of an article for SEO is within 2,000 scfs, but readers are also fine with longer articles, including longreads with keywords. Choose the right theme and create content that users will love, regardless of its size, without forgetting about formatting.