Neural networks: how to write texts with their help?

Reading time: 6 min.

Artificial intelligence broke into our lives not so long ago, but managed to make adjustments to the perception of the world. The developer company offers to use ChatGPT and get quick responses to requests in any language. The scope of AI is quite diverse, and the writing bot is of particular interest.

Why You Shouldn't Use ChatGPT

Working with the tool does not cause problems. However, the questions must be precise. This is the first secret that inexperienced users need to know. How to use the sensational AI to create content, title and description will be discussed further.

Tasks that artificial intelligence can do

For an accurate formulation of the scope of use, it is worth contacting the “executor”. The algorithm easily answers this question, as expected. You can use artificial intelligence to generate:

  1. Various texts and scripts. The generation of titles, a list of keywords and product descriptions does not cause problems for the chatbot.
  2. Ideas for content. In this case, we are talking about all manifestations of creativity, including images, themes and videos.
  3. Audio. The algorithm performs tasks to create audio tracks. So, it is used to create audiobooks and storytelling.

Writing AI texts starts with rewriting tasks. This is a simple task that the algorithm can do. However, it should be borne in mind that AI can create a text through the analysis of other thematic materials. He makes up sentences based on frequently used words and phrases.

ChatGPT is a bot trained to communicate with a human. The accuracy of the question is reflected in the results. Despite the fact that the learning process of the bot has been going on for many years, a lot depends on the user. To get answers to your questions, you need to take into account the features of the entire system.

How to ask a question for an accurate answer

To learn how to write articles using ChatGPT, you need to study the features of the algorithm. You can do this on your own experience, but it is easier to get acquainted with the specifics of use from the words of other users. Reviews of the interlocutors of the bot talk about:

  1. Create an automatic request. This tool will allow you to use AI to communicate with him. It is necessary to indicate the purpose of using the results and clarify the subject (for example, create a TOR for a copywriter to prepare a post on Instagram).
  2. Acceleration of learning. The method is based on the correction of “mistakes” that were made during the preparation of the answer. So, the user asks to simplify the wording for easy assimilation of information next time.
  3. Compiling a detailed description. Artificial intelligence is able to write text based on detailed explanations. Add information about the number of “keys”, paragraphs, subheadings and other important indicators.
  4. Possibilities to imitate style. The presentation of thoughts by different people follows a certain plan, which the creator considers correct. Submit examples so that the answer to the assignment matches your style.
  5. Choice of “interlocutor”. For an expert assessment of the issue, you can ask ChatGPT to write a point of view on behalf of any famous person. This will help create interviews, share thoughts, taking into account the opinion of an expert.

You can use a neural network to rewrite your articles. Complete the list of requirements by imitating the manner of writing and provide examples. Remember that the work of the algorithm is not always perfect, and the thoughts expressed in the material may belong to other people.

Why You Shouldn’t Use ChatGPT

Preparing text materials using AI seems like a great alternative. The algorithm is able to analyze many sources of information and create a feature article. But the system has some limitations that affect the result.

The generation of understandable text by keywords takes place with an eye to existing articles and reviews. The algorithm analyzes words and expressions for writing material. This is a flaw that makes the text “dry”, formal and unemotional. In addition, the audience itself can predict how the sentence will end.

The neural network can argue with the interlocutor, and this is also one of the disadvantages. Imitating the style of writing is sometimes impossible because the bot has “their own” opinion. Politeness and correctness do not always benefit the text, and you can notice the intervention of an outsider in the preparation of the post with the naked eye.

Before you generate text, you need to remember about the attitude of Google search engines to such content. Since search engines value originality and uniqueness, the placement of generated articles will affect the position of the site.

The characteristics of ChatGPT are not without flaws, and this is a good reason to think about ordering an article from AI.

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