Native advertising: features, benefits and options for use

Reading time: 6 min.

The lack of clear standards, high organicity and effective promotion – all these are different aspects of using native advertising. Before we delve into this type of advertising in detail, let us focus on the reasons for choosing advanced marketing strategies:

  1. Bypassing “banner blindness”. There are so many advertisements now that people have learned to ignore them. To attract attention, a new method is needed – native advertising.
  2. Bypassing ad blockers. Special ad blockers help to minimize the number of pop-up ads. At the same time, native advertising wins, because it is not blocked.
  3. The emergence of trust. Materials that mention the promoted products contain useful information. Thanks to its presence, the article is perceived as an alternative source of “food for thought”, and not ordinary advertising.

native advertising

Natives bring more benefits than it may seem. The first to use it was John Deere – the owner of Deere & Company. His “jeans” in the print media brought a solid income and popularity to the equipment. Given that marketers continue to develop long-used approaches, interest in such promotion is always at a high level.

Native advertising and its differences from other types

To tell about a product, two types of advertising are used: open, when the audience is directly told to buy, and hidden. The second is of more interest, because the principle of influencing the reader/viewer is not fully understood. The following features of ads will help answer the questions:

  1. Useful recommendation. Native advertising is a loyal description of products and services. In publications, it is perceived as a recommendation to pay attention to something necessary. Thanks to this perception, the reader does not reject the advice received, but listens to it.
  2. High value. The material created for advertising always remains intact. Remove the part with the recommendation or description from the text, and you will see: the value of the article has not decreased one iota. Any selections will be self-sufficient, and therefore in demand by users.
  3. Disguise as content. Informational articles mimic ordinary non-advertising text. The design looks identical to what is already posted on the site. In addition, advertising is used appropriately: for example, on sites for accountants there are no recommendations for household goods, which is justified by the consistency with the rest of the content.
  4. Neutral advertising marks. Special icons indicate that there are advertisements on the page. Understanding what native advertising is, you can “miss” the use of marks. Instead, articles are designed as partner or sponsored content, which does not cause rejection.

The attitude towards recommended products differs from what readers think about the advertised services. In the first case, advice is perceived as a hint, and in the second – a direct call to action. It is not surprising that the audience is inclined to the adaptive advertising format.

Types of native advertising

Social networks have contributed to the development of the marketing method. Bloggers often share their experiences and recommend certain products. In addition to providing recommendations in text format, they record conversational videos with loyal descriptions. To get the most out of it, choose the appropriate option. Modern types of native advertising include:

  1. Publications on social networks. Good advertising is the one that is difficult to distinguish from other types of posts. A casual mention of the brand and the absence of direct instructions to buy (including promo codes and discounts) distinguishes quality marketing.
  2. Advertising articles. Sites that are popular with users are also used for business purposes. Obviously, advertising content remains useful, because it contains recommendations and descriptions. Links and anchors help to highlight the offer in the text.
  3. Video advertising. Before buying a product, more and more buyers are looking for videos with unpacking or review. If your offer can be “sewn” into this format, native advertising is an example of the right solution. Sometimes it is enough to add a company logo so that the viewer remembers the brand and comes back to it for a purchase.
  4. Project descriptions. Real examples are easy to tell about the company’s capabilities. Descriptions of practical examples can be placed almost anywhere. Do you have a company profile on social networks? Use this format of self-presentation to attract and retain customers.
  5. Thematic collections. Examples of native advertising include special collections. Life hacks, descriptions of several solutions for one problem and other variations help promote your products. But there is one rule: the advertising description should not differ too much from others.

Accumulated fatigue from banners requires the implementation of new solutions. Native advertising copes with this task perfectly – this is the one that explains in simple words the importance of buying a certain product or ordering services. Track whether the audience is interested in making decisions to achieve your goal.

Brand profiles on social networks are already dedicated to your work, therefore, they can be used to select the best strategy. Create your own log with test results, and draw the right conclusions about the effectiveness of this or that type of native advertising.

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