High-quality and useful content: writing secrets

Reading time: 6 min.

Writing articles for websites and stores allows you to promote resources in search results, but how to get to the desired TOP? There is no simple answer, but there is an opportunity to make it happen. To appear in the list of recommended pages, texts are needed, as before. But now we need text optimization. What is this and what algorithm of actions will we discuss in detail.

What is optimized text

now we need text optimization

Not long ago, keywords were enough to optimize content. Search engine algorithms relied on them to determine topics and recommend pages to users. Today, the approach to content writing has changed, and authors need to create high-quality and useful articles.

Despite the fact that search bots are the first to evaluate published materials, they are written for people. From this came a few simple rules for copywriters. The answer to the question of what optimized text is is the following characteristics:

  1. Structure. A structured article is easy to understand, which is why the rule is included in this list. The title and subheadings indicate the content so that the reader can quickly jump to the desired part of the material.
  2. Request. Relevance to the user’s question also deserves careful consideration. The author’s job is to produce useful and relevant content. Not only the position in search results depends on this, but also the attitude of customers.
  3. Information. If the reader does not find the information he is looking for, he will quickly continue searching for relevant texts. Helpful information will help you retain your client.

Some rules remain unchanged. For example, any text is written in simple and understandable language. Avoid complex terms and phrases, work on the sentences and check the finished version for errors.

Optimized article plan

A structure plan helps you fully understand what text optimization is. We have already talked about headings and content consistency. Let’s move on to the following points of the universal plan:

  1. Lead. An introductory paragraph is a brief summary of the text. Its goal is to attract the client’s attention and receive organic traffic.
  2. Description. A conversation with the reader is built using useful information and facts. Matching the query is checked by the search engine algorithm.
  3. Links. You need to add links to sources and research to the article to confirm everything the author said.
  4. Lists. The canvas of words looks difficult to read, so it is better to get rid of the “sheet”. This is where bulleted and numbered lists come in handy.
  5. Conclusion. Text optimization includes inferences. This includes a call to action, information about discounts or ordering methods.

The content can be displayed at the beginning of the article so that the client can jump to the desired section immediately. However, this is often neglected, but it is worth conducting an audit of views and dwell time.

Tips for writing SEO optimized texts

Text optimization of a website is not as simple as it might seem. In fact, there is quite a long preparation behind the material. To avoid any difficulties with writing, read the useful tips from the pros.

Competitor analysis

Preparing a semantic core, choosing a topic and searching for ideas begins with analyzing competitors. To do this, they take into account not only articles on the site, but also publications on the company’s official profiles. This way you get answers to several important questions:

At this stage, how to optimize texts on a website, it is possible to prepare an idea and create a plan for an article that will hook users and appeal to the algorithms.

Preparing the semantic core

You can identify the main key queries yourself, and services will simplify this process. Search engine tools show the frequency of searches for articles on a selected topic, the dependence of indicators on the season and the coincidence of phrases if promotion is planned in several search engines.

Article SEO Plan

Each topic consists of several subtopics. The first level is the disclosure of the effectiveness of the product, the conditions for its use and other facts related to the offer. The second consists of a description of the service or product, and also contains information about the benefits of the purchase. The third level is remotely related to the topic, because now it’s time to talk about the opportunities to buy or order products.

It’s too early to focus on key queries. This is perhaps a common mistake of those who do not know how to write useful and optimized text. At the beginning of the work, you need to conduct a dialogue with the buyer, without focusing on the “keys”. You can put them in their places after completing the material. In this way, the author manages to keep the presentation simple and avoid using “underhand” queries.

Brief but useful summary

Considering that optimized copy is the way to promote a website in a highly competitive environment, it is important to take the time to write. Check the finished version for compliance with the SEO concept, work on the content and take into account the opinions of Google users for effective promotion.

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