Glossary: what is it, why is it needed and recommendations for compiling

Reading time: 6 min.

The term “glossary” can be added to the list of words that are difficult for a person to understand. This is due to the fact that the concept is used very rarely in everyday life. In addition, the lack of knowledge about the essence causes a minimal number of “contacts” with this term. So, what is typical for rarely used terminology? These are:

Adding inconvenience is the fact that some words can act as synonyms for other terms. This is most clearly demonstrated by the IT industry. Programmers created a new language, using common expressions and words. However, this is what prompted the idea of writing a glossary for their industry and many others.

What is a glossary for

What is a glossary

When you know that a glossary is a collection of terms, it is easier to understand why and when it is needed. Common purposes for using a special document are as follows:

  1. To simplify the understanding of the meaning of words. Such a dictionary is needed so that all participants in the conversation understand what is being discussed. For correct interpretation, it is necessary to use a glossary, which indicates the necessary meaning of the word in the context.
  2. Improve the learning process. Newcomers should know where they will start their work. Thanks to the explanation of terminology, it is much easier to find a detailed answer to the topic that needs to be understood.
  3. Make the transfer of documents less difficult. You can use a dictionary when employees go on vacation or sick leave. Documentation will allow you to transfer information accurately and in full.

There is a difference between a dictionary and a glossary. The thing is that the second document is created for a specific industry. Thanks to this, training new colleagues and communication with clients is simplified. Dictionaries contain all existing terms without reference to the type of activity or specialization.

Types of glossaries

Types of documents with explanations of terminology include industry, corporate and project. Depending on the selected type, the content and options for use are determined.

Industry Glossary

This type of glossary will be used by people who share a common specialization. For designers, the document will contain one set of words, and for programmers, another set. The probability that the two versions of the dictionary will contain the same jargon is extremely high. The employees working with this department will use the glossary and explain what a *term* is in simple terms.

Corporate Glossary

The glossary is created for internal use. Usually, terms are structured in advance, distributing words alphabetically. This makes it easy to find the necessary unfamiliar word and its meaning. The purpose of using it is to:

Creating a detailed dictionary helps to adhere to corporate rules, as well as get ready-made answers to questions. An example of such a glossary is the editorial policy for copywriters.

Project Glossary

Compiling a list of terms helps managers delegate tasks. To achieve the set goal, it is recommended to constantly supplement the project dictionary. Thanks to preparation, you can go on vacation without worrying about the company’s projects.

How to compile a glossary yourself

Preparing to compile a dictionary is simple, because it is enough to know what a glossary is and how to make it. But the algorithm of actions will depend on the purpose of use. You can avoid difficulties and write a useful document by listening to several tips:

  1. Always define the purpose of use. Explanations for scientific books are needed so that the reader can easily navigate the topic. A company glossary is necessary for employees for better mutual understanding and interaction. Without defining the purposes of using the document, the work is useless.
  2. Find and highlight incomprehensible words. To ensure that the audience understands you correctly, you should make a list of potentially problematic terms. To do this, you can use instructions and texts, collect feedback from beginners and ask questions to site readers.
  3. Make simple explanations. Consider the level of awareness of potential readers to choose the right words. Laconic explanations are perceived best, but sometimes this is associated with great difficulties. In such cases, you will need to increase the volume for understanding.

Examples and structuring of terms make it easier to find the right words. But this approach is not always appropriate. Glossaries for translators are compiled taking into account the possible context, but for designers, examples are not used. Instead, specialists describe the meaning of the term with maximum precision. Research will help identify “weak” points. Words that are understandable to one audience may be perceived differently by another. To avoid this, regular revision is necessary.

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